Our comprehensive planning process addresses all aspects of
financial planning including:
Retirement Planning
Estate Planning
Tax Strategies
Education Funding
Cash Flow Management
Social Security Maximization
Family Roadmap
Wealth Management System
Our Wealth Management System serves as the hub of our clients’ financial information. On your Personal Financial Homepage, your net worth is calculated and displayed on a daily basis along with a summary of all your assets and liabilities. This sophisticated technology, coupled with our years of experience, enables us to provide you with comprehensive financial advice.
Account aggregation technology enables us to link all of your assets and liabilities to one web page regardless of where the accounts are held, including 401(k)s, brokerage accounts, annuities, mortgages, credit cards, life insurance, as well as checking and savings accounts.
Within your homepage are financial planning tools that enable you to examine your financial situation. For example, you can run a retirement analysis to determine if you are on track to meet your retirement goals. In addition, you can quickly view and print many useful reports such as a net worth statement or a cash flow projection.
The Vault is your online secure storage facility that stores and protects your valuable personal documents such as wills, trusts, insurance policies, and passports in an electronic format.

Family Roadmap

No one likes to think about death, but it is very important that you do. By planning today, you can make things much easier for your loved ones when you pass away. The Steele Capital Management Family Roadmap enables you to consolidate all of your financial (and other) information in one organized place, so when you pass on, your loved ones will not be left with the burden of sorting out what you left behind.
A critical step in creating your Family Roadmap is the appointment of your Financial Delegates. These individuals are responsible for reporting and confirming the event of your passing. Once confirmed, we will provide your Financial Delegates with access to your Personal Financial Website, the hub of our Wealth Management System.
A Financial Delegate should be someone you trust who will take an active role in settling your affairs. Typical choices include family members, close friends, and attorneys. Once you designate your Financial Delegates, Steele Capital Management will notify each delegate of their designation and their role in settling your financial affairs.
Maximizing Social Security Benefits
There is a huge gap between what most Americans think they know about Social Security and the actual rules governing the nation’s primary retirement program. As a result of this knowledge gap, the typical retiree leaves as much as $100,000 in lifetime benefits on the table. For a married couple, the difference between a smart claiming strategy and grabbing the money as soon as possible could be $250,000 or more over their joint lifetimes.
Since it is nearly impossible to determine a maximization strategy for Social Security on your own, we utilize sophisticated software to analyze all of your possible strategies and provide you with a written step-by-step strategy for maximizing your Social Security benefits.
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When you have a financial plan, it’s easier to make financial decisions and stay on track to meet your goals. Working with one of our Certified Financial Planners® can help you secure your financial well-being and give you peace of mind. Get started today »